Monday, November 25, 2019


MATRIZ - teste 5º ano 


A Ticking
the right option about the text.

B – Matching some information according to the text.

C -  Answering questions about the text.

D -  Choosing the
correct option.

E -  Labelling a
picture with the parts of the body.

F – Completing some sentences with Possessive

G – Filling in the blanks with the forms of the verb to

H – Completing some sentences with the forms of the
verb have got.

I - Writing a text using personal information and
physical features.

MATRIZ - teste 6º ano


(Classes : 6th A - 6th B - 6th D - 6th E)

A - Completing
information about the text. 

B - Marking True or False and correcting the false

C -  Answering questions about the text.

D -  Writing the
names of school subjects.

E -  Labelling
the pictures according to school facilities.

F - Writing the names of after- school clubs.

G - Ordering words and writing sentences.

H - Completing a small text using connectors.

I - Completing
sentences with the Present Continuous.

J - Writing a
small text about someone’s daily routine.

K - Writing some sentences using the Present

MATRIZ  - classes 6th C and 6th F


- Completing information about the text. 

B - Marking True, False or Impossible to Know  and correcting the false 


-  Answering questions about the text.

D -  Completing a text with the names of school facilities.

E -  Completing a text with the names of school subjects.


 A- Completing a small text using connectors.

B - Completing sentences using the Present Simple and The Present Continuous

C - Writing a small text about someone’s daily routine.

D - Writing some sentences using the Present Continuous.

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